My career has taken me from the corridors of Capitol Hill to an Alabama maximum security prison to the wilderness of a Utah survival school. I’ve worn hidden cameras, chased tornadoes and jumped out of airplanes.

I've interviewed some of the smartest and most awesome women in our country, then had two children who inspired my first book, How She Really Does It: Secrets of Successful Stay-at-Work Moms.

Through it all, I’ve pivoted more times in my career than most, working at start-ups, Fortune 500 companies and hustling for gigs on my own, all of which led to my second book, Fearless and Free: How Smart Women Pivot and Relaunch their Careers

And then the devastating presidential election of 2016 brought about an unprecedented number of first-time female candidates running for office. Tired of being ignored, angered by government policies, and anxious about the future of America, thousands of women across the country were inspired to run for office in what became a barrier-breaking, historic midterm election. I wanted to document these stories of women running, winning and upending politics as we know it. And those stories became the feature documentary SURGE that followed among others, Lauren Underwood, the youngest Black woman to ever be elected to Congress. SURGE premiered on Showtime in September 2020 and was also released on Amazon.

My life's work brings me to where I am today - documentary filmmaker, producer, author, writer, media strategist and expert hustler. Throw in feminist, work/life expert and career pivoter. Does it all fit together? I think so.